Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Data Archive

Visit to Dharriwaa Elders Group, Walgett

ATSIDA staff travel to Walgett, New South Wales for a Protocols workshop.


Dhariwaa Elders Group

 Pictured:  Dharriwaa Elders Group members

Kirsten Thorpe travelled to Walgett in May 2010 to visit the Dharriwaa Elders Group (DEG),  to discuss collaboration with the ATSIDA project. The meeting provided an opportunity for ATSIDA and the Elders group to discuss protocols that may need to be considered in relation to data that may be held in ATSIDA.

Kirsten gave a presentation to the group to introduce the work of ATSIDA. The presentation also included information on projects ATSIDA is currently involved with that relate to the Walgett area, including research conducted by Heather Goodall.

ATSIDA is looking forward to working with the DEG in the future to discuss management of archives,  research involvement in the community, and protocols.